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Immagine del redattore: EFFE TechnologyEFFE Technology

EFFE Technology is pleased to announce the signing of a contract with Lazzari Tubi di Vobarno, an important manufacturer of small-sized electro-welded metal tubes.

The new flying-cut system with single slow cutting blade will be able to process products which have round cross-section diameters ranging from a minimum of 8 mm to a maximum of 25 mm, thicknesses from a minimum of 0.5 mm to a maximum of 2 mm and lengths from a minimum of 4,000 mm to a maximum of 8,000 mm with tolerance of -0 +10 mm.

EFFE Technology specializes in technologically advanced solutions to business and production problems and offers its collaboration in Industrial Automation, Information Technology and Industrial Logistics.

The know-how of the various processes acquired directly in the field in different product sectors, combined with the knowledge of new technologies, has made it possible to develop a flying-cut plant using only off-the-shelf market components.

Installation is scheduled for August 2021




Piazza San Paolo, 2        36075 – Montecchio Maggiore  (VI) – Italy 

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Tel +39 0444 602298       effetechnology@pec.itL  DD 

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